hmm... maybe this should just be a Coffee Blog....
March has gone out like a lamb or was it a lion, there was snow in there somewheres
now on into April, with Oh No April Showers--which today, the 5th, there was indeed rain
I seem to have been on a few coffee adventures & tried a few coffee experiments, no matter
so in order to remember them all in one neat 'n tidy place, I will post about them
Oh why not, until something else as adventurous takes over--travel maybe....
Sprouts Farmers Market aka Grocery Store
first off not heard of a Barista Blend Milk
and second off it seems there a lot of nut milks now
am curious now if indeed Barista's use this #baristablend #almondmilk #sprouts #sproutsfarmersmarket #coloradosprings #co
Cafe Velo
neighborhood coffeeshop 'n bikeshop
I can walk here!
Equator Coffee/Coffeeroasters
Cortado in my fancy espresso glass, like a old timey fountainshop maybe kind
a new Cali roaster they're trying out, along with the locals like NOVO
with a gf/gluten free lemon poppy seed slice on the side, would never guess it's gf if it didn't say so #cafevelo #cafevelobikes #equatorcoffees
Sprouts Espresso Bar - in the Deli Section
after free samples at the Coffee Section aisle of bulk beans
Barrie House Coffee Beans
have not heard of these beans before #barriehouse #barriehousecoffeeroasters
Barrie House coffee at Sprouts Farmers Market their new Northgate grand opening
"planet + all green, all the time" a 'green' take away cup
ordered a cappuccino for shopping 'n drinking coffee local
(next to my Fav 'green' water bottle, a Buddha design Sigg bottle)
Loco Bean Coffee - drive thru
complete with grafitti/streetart/slaps/stickers pole
artist looks familiar can't place them tho
ordered 'off the menu' to go
an espresso with steamed milk
but ended up looking more like a latte
was told by the lil barista girl they're R&R Roaster beans
looked them up, find out they're up the road in BlackForest
(must go find them, another day, another coffee adventure?!) #locobean #locobeancoffee #randrcoffeeroasters #blackforest #coffeeroasters #randr
downtown Colorado Springs - at the corner cross from Acacia Park
shop window, love the painted glass
I'll have to go back when it's open to try this 'custom roasted' coffee
by dragons maybe/thought he was a gator (but blue) & ask who does their Fab u lous Fun handpainted window art?! or is that Streetart?!
King's Chef Diner
on the menu - only coffee description is 'Brazilian dark roast'
so will have to go inquire more about this coffee, these beans, their roaster, etc #kingschefdiner #acaciapark
The Perk Downtown - downtown Colorado Springs, CO
for PiDay or PieDay an apple pie slice with a machiatto
purple mountain coffee roasters espresso
so it was 31416 or read it was also being called 'rounded PiDay'
another new roaster--Purple Mountain Coffee Roasters #purplemountaincoffee
and something else new to me--their Classic Fab u lous Astoria Espresso Machine
love the blue light, a Rapallo model, looks Retro, but maybe it's not - think it's Italian #theperkdowntown #astoria #astoriacoffeemachines #rapallo
on Wahsatch Blvd
looks like it use to be an old gas station in the corner of this shopping center parking lot
near the North End Historic District
where we first looked for a house in Colorado Springs
then looked up in the mountains
then looked way north
and stepped back a bit to be just a bit north
love their old designed shopping center sign, can you call it Vintage (from the 50's)
"Bon Center"
Doppio on the menu aka double shot of espresso
thought how do you order a single, if that's a double--thought maybe a 'Solo' then
so ordered a single shot - her espresso beans are roasted in-house, these were Nicaragua coffee beans
had it with a side of gf/gluten free bites (sometimes I try to be good?!) #stircoffeeshop #boncenter #signs #vintagesigns #1950s
Jives Coffee Lounge - No. 1 - OCC/Old Colorado City, CO
next up with try Jives No. 2 on Nevada
so it's a machiatto with Novo coffee roaster (from Denver, CO) espresso coffee beans from Ethiopia
outside at the park across the street having coffee with a squirrely friend
no espresso for the animals, sorry, not sorry!
and I do 'not' like Maca in my cold-brew I found out
sorry Rebel or is that Rebbl - Super Herbs, not for me
even tho organic 'n fair trade 'n coffee with coconut milk
took a few sips, suddenly had a migraine, so off to bed
and no more Maca Cold - Brew for me
but on the grocery store shelves cold section
and couldn't resist trying it once
not a fair coffee experiment this time #rebbl #macacoldbrew
Umpire Estate Mountain Coffee Roasters - Colorado Coffee Merchants
drank with the roar of the gas coffee roasting machine in the background
have heard it is low or no acidity coffee & told the same by the chef lady Stephanie
must stop by another time by 1:00 to try her lunch special
found Guatemalan whole beans in their cooler case which I thought I'd read was not a good thing for freshness, but owner & roaster were too busy for me to ask about it today
ordered a cappuccino - no just plain espresso/machiatto/cortado on their coffee menu
learn too that they sell the burlap coffee bean bags, if you need any for a project
so Colombia, Guatemala, sometimes Ethiopian & a blue lable Swiss Water Decaf bag
here too a pic of just one burlap bag for sale on/under the table - good material for a craft/art project
tho I'm not a DIY person, have bought a Guatemalan bag stretched inside a vintage frame
that a crafter girl made back in Lafayette, LA & was for sale in the downtown Genterie's men's shop still have it, still hangs in my kitchen
this one, I'm guessing, would smell like coffee!! #coloradocoffeemerchants #umpireestatemountaincoffee #coffeeroasters
Trader Joe's
Pour-over, Coffee Brewer, brew in a bag, Brazil
must try this coffee experiment soon
and see if it's worthy of travel
have read it's supposedly reuseable as well
read it was at the Trader Joe's grocery store, so went to find it
will follow directions & see how it goes #traderjoes #coffeebrewer #brewinabag
PeakPlace Coffeehouse
machiatto espresso - Nicaragua
building 3 coffeeroaster
soon I'm told/have read to open up in Lincoln School
tho sun going down, it's never too late for an espresso
and can you tell the espresso/machiatto/cortado are my usu go-to coffee drink of choice?! #peakplacecoffeehouse #building3coffee #buildingthreecoffee #coffeeroasters
on the grocery store shelves - these ones at Natural Grocers
where usu find Stumptown cold brew coffee
in the bottle or the carton--but not this one...
now I find one with coconut milk?!
had to try it, was pleasantly surprised--I liked it!
fondly remember trying a lot of Stumptown Coffee in Tomball, TX
at Jane & John Dough's Bakery 1 street off main street along the railroad tracks
tho these cartons of cold brew were mostly found at Whole Foods
miss the Doughs & their barista's (Hey, Andrew) making coffees with Stumptown #stumptowncoffee #coldbrew
"shake it like you mean it" - this guys, gotta love 'em #naturalgrocers
and further down the aisles in Natural Grocers
I find a crate display of Solar Roast Coffee
wondering if that does mean it's roasted by the sun?
look them up & yes, yes they are solar roasting their coffee
and just up the road in Pueblo, CO
should go up 'n check 'em out sometime
but first really I should buy a bag of beans...
hmm... but Guatemala or Peru or Ethiopian beans?! #solarroast #coffeeroasters #pueblo #co #solar
Novo coffee beans that I brought home, maybe from Whole Foods
get close - read labels
front label: Volcan Panama Palo Verde
flavor notes - honeydew, buttery caramel, smooth
I think I can catch smooth on my tastebuds, enjoying on a sunny morn in Colorado Springs, CO
back label:
"We believe that it's important to value the people who grow and harvest coffee cherries, the cultures that exist where coffees are cultivated, and the economic relationships that are formed with every coffee purchase. We connect with--and support--the communities that start our beans on their path to your cup. We are proud to be able to offer you some of the most distinctive and flavorful coffees available in today's marketplace."
note: I bought Novo beans for my sis in law for the holidays, when we hadn't moved here yet...
I think they were from Peru, as she nor my father in law had a grinder I had to grind the beans in the Whole Foods store then sadly they threw away the coffee bean bag when I thought it was in the grocery bag until I got home & found it gone, so am guessing I thought the beans were from Peru...
and when she had to work a lot over the holidays we all ended up drinking her coffee & I enjoyed it a lot, then when I went back to get the same beans after we moved here I didn't find Peru on the shelf and got these Panama beans instead... so another time Peru beans, I will find you again?! #novocoffee #novocoffeeroaster
cortado espresso roaster blend at Urban Steam Coffee Bar
and what's this? Red Sea House Blend? Coffee beans I've never heard of/seen before
may have to buy a bag of beans next time I'm in, just to say I tried 'em - Africa & Yemen beans blend #urbansteamcoffee
Oh here it is... finally trying the Stumptown Cold Brew with Coconut Milk - it was yummy
it looks like a coffee shake/coffee chocolate milk, didn't even need to pour it over ice--but later I did, on the next hotter day in The Springs hah (they come 'n go in the Springtime it appears...) #stumptown #coldbrew #coconutmilk
of all the places to have coffee? at the library!
the 21C Library Cafe or more specifically the "Her Story Cafe"
Colorado Coffee Merchants coffee, ordered an espresso - tho it may not be on the menu
with a side of gf/gluten free peanut butter cookie
surprised to find both at the local library, when I was just here for a library card hah!
also on the menu that I'd not heard of before--a London Fog/tea & a Steamer/steamed milk with flavoring, like vanilla, for the kids I was told... so cute, so kids & non coffee drinkers can have fun hot drinks here too
and as I might repeat: coffee adventures can be found anywheres #21clibrary #herstorycafe
a day trip over to Denver, CO
but didn't stop for coffee until Castle Rock - as met up the niece there for a Fab u lous Crave Burger
here I found nearly next door, a coffeeshop - Lost Coffee
ordered a not on the menu--machiatto espresso with what ended up being giant foam in my espresso
they use local beans & started in a foodtruck/coffeetruck, but now have 2 coffeeshops
love that kind of story! tho a bit far for a 1/2 hr to CastleRock for coffee or further still if the other location is in Denver?! #lostcoffee
tho special drinks for the night to help Support Tyler (Hill) - nice guy
(soon to open up his own coffeeshop I heard too, will look for that--downtown springs)
buying drinks to send him off to the US Barista Championships later in April (starting the 14th) is it in Atlanta, GA so not too far... hope all those drinks 'n tips helped him out to get there 'n back?!
I couldn't resist the SweetBloom Coffeeroaster on the Pourover menu
and their beans, which I'd had before the San Adolfo from Colombia
and once a month a Science meet up or in this case Mashup
Disaster Movies this month & sadly I couldn't stay for it, started at 7 or 7:30 I think it was
later was told also do one or two such Science meetups downtown at the Science Museum
will have to look for those & another one here in Ivy Wild School
Great idea, scientist types get to have fun & we get to geek out as well #ivywildschool #theprincipalsoffice #sweetbloom #sweetbloomcoffee #coffeeroasters
and took those Sweetbloom beans home
"Bloom to Bloom" Sweet Label y'all
if you could smell photos... mmm... when I opened that bag of beans...
"Welcome to your beautiful cup of coffee"
Yes, yes it was & now for a whole bag of beans full of such coffees--Yay!
Whole Foods - coffee selections I've missed
Forager & Blue Print - coffee with nuts seems to be a new thang #forager #foragerjuices #nutsandcoffee #blueprint #cashewcoffee
repeat customer... Peak Place Coffeehouse
a triple origin, which I'd not heard of before
1 bean 3 ways - Peru
Corvus roaster - Denver, CO
Macchiato - espresso
barista called it a buttery texture, agreed
Progressive Paleo - also repeat customer
coconut macaroon #peakplacecoffeehouse #corvuscoffee
Story Coffee Co
Periscope blend - Rwanda, Colombia
espresso - machiatto
grand opening week
tiny house coffeehouse
in Acacia Park
downtown Colorado Springs
cudos to barista man for making latte art in tiny espresso cup
this duo use to do coffee competitions, know Portland, OR & coffee roasters,
so there will be some rotation in the tiny house coffeeshop - love it! #storycoffeecompany
Capp Cappuccino
La Baguette - Old Colorado City, OCC
French bakery - repeat customer #labaguette #occ #oldcoloradocity
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